The Company of Sad-Sped was established in Szczecin as a customs agency in 1996. Since1999 we have extended our activity by transport and freight forwarding covering domestic and international transport, offering services of vehicle, sea, inland and railway transport.
Thanks to the gained experience and trust of our clients we commenced to implement a complex servicing of companies.
We deal with the organization of the logistic chain, from counseling, through loading, transport, unloading, and port servicing included.
Among a wide range of transported goods, we specialize in the transportation of metallurgic products.
With evidenced success, we organize transport in the whole Europe, due to which many Polish and foreign clients have trusted us.
Our company has supported the construction of many projects such as: stadiums, sports halls, bridges, shopping centers and other public utility facilities.
The development of our company is the work of a well-coordinated and motivated team of the personnel with long lasting practice and high, all the time increased qualifications.
We treat the cooperation with clients as a long lasting partnership which constitutes for us a challenge to meet higher and higher requirements of the market. We take efforts to understand our clients in order to provide them with well measured solutions.
We value good and direct relations with clients. Thus. the satisfaction of our clients resulting from their contentment with the quality and level of provided services constitutes the best reward for the team of Sad-Sped.
The turnover of our company increases every year, which proves that we are not afraid of challenges placed for us by our partners.
A well developed base of our permanent and proven subcontractors constitutes a natural supplement to our logistic activity.
We have at our disposal vehicles, such as: tarpaulins, platforms, semi-trailers and coilmuldes. Each vehicle is equipped with a mobile phone and GPS which enables us to provide constant monitoring over cargo entrusted to us. Our fleet meets ecological requirements defined by European standards.
We possess civil liability insurance in the mount of EUR 300 000 guaranteeing the safety of transported goods.
We believe that the establishing of the cooperation with your company will be satisfactory for both parties.Od 1999 roku rozszerzyliśmy działalność o transport i spedycję w ruchu krajowym i międzynarodowym, świadcząc usługi w transporcie samochodowym, morskim, śródlądowym i kolejowym.
Dzięki zdobytemu doświadczeniu i zaufaniu naszych klientów zaczęliśmy realizować kompleksową obsługę firm.
Zajmujemy się organizacją łańcucha logistycznego, od doradztwa, przez załadunek, transport, wyładunek po obsługę portową.
Wśród szerokiej gamy przewożonych towarów naszą specjalnością jest transport wyrobów hutniczych.
Organizujemy transporty w całej Europie z udokumentowanym sukcesami, dzięki czemu zaufało nam wielu klientów, takich jak:
Salzgitter Mannesmahn Stahlhandel GmbH, Salzgitter Mannesmahn Stahlhandel Sp. Z.o.o,
Peine T rager GmbH & Co. Kg., Arcelor Mittal, Bobrek Sp. J.
Nasza firma wspomagała budowę wielu projektów takich jak: stadiony, hale sportowe, mosty, centra handlowe oraz inne obiekty użytku publicznego.
Rozwój naszej firmy jest dziełem zgranego i umotywowanego zespołu pracowników z długo letnią praktyką i wysokimi, cały czas podnoszonymi, kwalifikacjami.